Friday, July 25, 2008


Hello all! Well, the summer is more than half over. I am taking my second mid-term next wednesday. Wish me luck! :)

Overall, things have been good. I miss talking to all you kids, wondering what is happening in your lives. Some of you have called or emailed, but mostly silence! :(

Well, this week I travel to Corvallis to finish up "Math Camp." Then only the month of August and we're back at school!

I want to hear what you're up to! Drop me a comment! :)

Talk to you soon!

Mrs. Mashinchi 

Saturday, July 19, 2008

In Bend

So I am in Bend taking a class this weekend. It doesn't really look like this pictures, but it is really beautiful! I am in class probably 12 hours a day which is pretty tiring. I am feeling how it really feels to sit in an uncomfortable chair for a long time!

Well, my next class is starting. I will try to post more! Miss you all!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Going to school

Well, the summer is almost halfway over...hard to believe..

I have been taking calculus all summer. It has been good. Crazy, but good!

Tomorrow I leave to go to Bend to take a three day class. I am really looking forward to it and I have never seen the Bend Campus of Oregon State University.

I'll take pictures!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer School

So class is going pretty well. Luckily, I have had this class before so I am doing a lot of review. I am thinking a lot about all of you guys and wondering what is up with you. Send me an email at
and let me know how your summer is going!

Talk to you soon

Mrs. Mashinchi

Monday, June 23, 2008

Now the Teacher becomes the Student

For those of you that thought summer was beginning, well, I guess it is now the time for me to learn. Today, I started Calculus at PSU. That's pretty hard math! So, last night I packed up my backpack with a spiral, some paper, and writing utensils...Yes...both pens and pencils!

At 11:45 I went into class. This will be my pattern every day for the rest of the summer....Oh, I do get friday's off. So no homework tonight, but I do need to rewrite my notes for tomorrow!

Talk to you soon!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Crew

What is my summer crew? It's a group of students who call me each week just to let me know what they are doing and what's up...

Do you want to be on my summer crew? Leave a comment saying you want to be on my crew and start giving me a call each week! You have my number.

Let the calling begin!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer is coming

It's hard to believe that this year is almost over. For many that means you are feeling both excited and sad. I am feeling the same way! I am excited for the end of school, but sad. I will miss you all! This summer I am planning on doing some fun field trips! Are you interested in coming? What about helping me paint the classroom? Do you want to help?

Let me know if you want to come!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Lee Academy Field Trip

On Thursday June 5, students from Lee Academy are going on a walking tour of Portland State and then to the Portland Art Museum.

I am really exited. I am looking forward to seeing "The Dancer" by Degas and "The Ox-Cart" by Vincent VanGogh.

I also can't wait to see the "Choreographed Geometry" which is made from 22,000 hand cut pieces of glass. I imagine it will be beautiful.

Tomorrow, everyone at school will be having a test. Lee Academy students will not have to take the test. Their reward for coming to Lee Academy for two days a week all year.

Have a good day!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Friday, May 30, 2008

Math Reflection...Let's reflect together!


1. Make an area model that shows someone who has a 70% free throw percentage.
  • What is the probability of getting o pts, 1 pt, 2pts
  • What is the mostly outcome?
  • What are the average points per trip?

2. Make a counting tree to show someone who has a 70% free throw percentage.

  • What is the P(0),P(1), and P(2)?
  • Show how the counting tree and the area model are related.
Have fun this weekend! Hope its sunny!

Mrs. Mashinchi (and Tina Tran!)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Hello all!

This is a weekend to remember those who have fought for our country and the freedoms that we have. It is a time to honor and remember. If you see someone who is the military, tell them,          "Thank you!"

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the (not) sunshine. Remember to remember!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crazy "C" days!

Crazy days those "C" days.  Yes...every class, every day.

For those who "love" math, yes, Brendan, I mean you! I realize that having math every day is like slow torture, but there is nothing I can do.

Tomorrow another "C" day, then a three day weekend ( school on monday!), then an "A" day and back to normal.

You have survived The Night of the Notables! Next week is Family Math Night!

We are getting close to the end of the year.

Leave a comment if you are interested in any field trips this summer!

Extra credit for comments!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Are we going to be famous?

This site has been added on as a great site! See the icon at the top? Now I can track how many visitors there are...

We are hitting the internet! Can you believe it? Remember to read the blog posts and COMMENT!!! Extra points for you! :)

Mrs. Mashinchi

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What do you expect?

Today we are looking for a treasure in the castle...did you figure it out? What is the probability of finding the treasure in the castle. It's almost like playing Clue! Did the crime occur in the Great hall? The Reception Room?

What is the probability that the treasure was in the Entrance Corridor?

First 10 comments about this unit and the correct probabillity of the treasure in the Entrance Corridor and you get extra credit points!

Happy Commenting!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Checklist #1 Due Monday May 12

Okay, this investigation is about the beginnings of probability.

We did match/no-match with a spinner and worked with counting trees.

Your investigation is due on Monday May 12. It is a "C" day so get your work done!

Have fun! Be safe!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What do you expect?

We are almost in May and we are starting our last book of the year! Can you believe it? This year hs flown by! You are almost to the end of the 7th grade! Wow!

Today we got our last book, "What do you expect?" We are finishing the year with...drumroll please...PROBABILITY!

What does it mean that a game is fair? It means that either outcome is equally likely. The chances of winning is even!

Today's assignment:
Problem 1.1 a - e (p. 6)
ACE 1-5 and 7 (p. 13 -15)
Have Fun!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Friday, April 18, 2008

Math Reflection #4

For those with Math on "B" days, here's the info for the math reflection...

At the top of the page, please label it "Math Reflection #4"

Put a sketch of the cylinder on the top of the page...hint...should look similar to the one to the left!

Then at the bottom of the page, you need to find the volume and surface area of the cylinder. (The one that is at the top of the page! ;)

On the back of that page you need to write TWO paragraphs.

#1 Volume

#2 Surface Area

Use these four questions to write your paragraphs:

1. Definition

2. How did you get your answer (from the front)?

3. Why does the formula work?

4. What units do you use for surface area? volume?

That's it! Have a great if you need help!


Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Maze Game!!!!! :D

Hey it's Tina.. today i'm a guest blogger for Mrs.
Mashinchi!! Today we finished up Investigation 2 and we turned it in today..
and don't worry we have done most of the work..... all u need 2 do is the math reflection and 1 vocab word so u will finish in no time.

After u finish with all the work Mrs.Mashinchi let us hang out and go on the computer.....

If u know there is something called The Maze Game.. we were playing that game today and EVERYONE was yelling.. even officer Nguyen came in to check why our class was so. U can also link on to the game now cause thanks to Mrs.Mashinchi it's a link from the game sp u can play it anytime u like..

We will be having a 3-day weekend so
-have a fun time
-hang out with friends
- hope the orchestra wins in Bend!!!!


Friday, April 4, 2008

Fenway Park (for Kameron!)

So, it is true...I made a stop by Fenway Park to get pictures of me and the big green wall! This was for you Kameron! :)

Mrs. Mashinchi

The Fundraiser in Boston

So, the event was DJ'd by DJ AM...

It was awesome! And in case that wasn't enough...I got this picture with Jesse Palmer, former quarterback with the NY Giants! There were many celebrities and football players.

Talk to you soon! Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Math and Boston

So, I arrived today at Boston and the weather is great. Supposedly it will be colder and rainer tomorrow, but today was beautiful...

Today you should have been working on finding the different ways that a rectangular prism can be made from 24 blocks. There should have been 6 different ways.

Tomorrow you are going to work on the ACE problems.

I will write more tomorrow and post pictures of the trip so far.

Talk to you soon!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break!

Hello all!
You are on Spring Break, but where I usually see you all is ONLINE on MYSPACE!
Hmmm...maybe if you are bored you should play COFFEE SHOP or another FUN MATH GAME!!!
Yeah!!! I know that you may feel like you're bored, but WHAT A GREAT TIME TO DO SOME MATH!!!! YIPEE!!

Please check out the new game that was shared by Leslie H. It's called Math Nightmare! It's fun! Please leave a comment with your highest score!

Don't know how to leave a comment? Check out the leave a comment section!

Have fun!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Surface Area


Surface Area
is the wrapping paper on the outside of the box.

To find the surface area, add up the areas of the faces.

Remember that surface area is in cm2.

Your goal, to make complete box! :)

See ya in class!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Survey Says!

Please participate in the Class Blog Survey to tell me how I can make the class blog more effective in its use! Click on the link! Class Blog Survey

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

State Testing

Sharpen your pencils...we are state testing! Yipee!

Remember that the main goal is to increase your score! The state benchmark for 7th grade is 226 and benchmark for 8th grade is 230.

Relax...don't worry! All is good...

See ya on the laptops!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Sunday, March 2, 2008

New Developments on the Class Blog

So, there are many of you that are unsure of what you can do once you log onto the House of Mashinchi Blog. Well, now there are places you can link on to get more information.

First, look to the right...

1) Under "Other Cool Sites to Check Out" there is a link on "What's a Wiki. If you are usure of what a wiki is, you can check out this cool YouTube Video and get some information.

2) If you are interested in Wikis, then click on Student Edited Wiki. This is where you, as my students, can post information that you are learning, answer questions I may post, or ask each other math questions.

3) For information on leaving comments on the class blog, go to the link "Mr.s Mashinchi's House of Math." There are two different links on the left of the House of Math. Click on "Leaving Comments" and you will be taken to a Wiki on leaving comments on the blog.

Happy Commenting...

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Multiply and Dividing Integers

So now we have learned how to do multiplication and division of Integers. The rule is always the same for multiplication and division:

If the signs of the two numbers are the same then your answer is POSITIVE.

If the signs of the two numbers are different then your answer is NEGATIVE.

If you have an even number of negatives then the answer is POSITIVE.

If you have an odd number of negatives than your answer is NEGATIVE.

Have fun!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Friday, February 22, 2008

Did you survive?

Okay, if you had the test today (that's friday) did you sruvive. It really wasn't that hard, right?

Are you feeling like you are finally getting a grasp on how to subtract integers? What about adding them? Do you think you are ready to move on?

It's like we are all on the island. Nobody should be voted off! Remember our goal:


Let's make a commitment and help each other! Let's help everyone achieve the goal...

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Test Review

So you had a test review on adding and subtracting integers.

First, let's look at what an Integer is. Remember that an integer is a whole number that has both a positive and a negative. For example, -2 and 2 are both integers.

Now let's look at the test review!

The test will have the problems as the review but in a different order so there are no surprises! I want to know what you have learned.

Remember that you only need top add zero pairs when you are subtracting. Here's my advice:

Take your time
Look over the review

Mrs. Mashinchi

Friday, February 15, 2008


Yes! We finally know how to add zero pairs!

I know that this can be a difficult concept to understand, but be patient! Remember that if you need to take away something that is bigger or that you don't have at all, ADD ZERO PAIRS! I have faith in you. You can do it! :)

If you click on Mrs. Mashinchi's House of Math there is a link (it's in blue, you click on it) that will show you how to a problem in 3 steps. This will help you if you aren't understanding. Do the problem and follow the steps. As usual, you may always call!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Mrs. Mashinchi

PS I don't know if you know that you can leave a comment! can say hi!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Accentuate the Negative

Hello Ladies and Gents,

Today we started Investigation 3: Subtracting Integers. Go look on Mrs. Mashinchi's House of Math for some helpful hints on how to subtract integers.

Stay positive! :)

Have a great day!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Math Contest

Okay boys and girls, to see what we know, I am planning on giving you a 7th grade math contest form. We'll see how you do! Keep working on your checklists!

Remember to call if you have any questions!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Creation

This is not really about "creation" per se, but rather the creation of this blog!

My name is Shannon Mashinchi. I am a 7th grade math teacher in the Portland Metropolitan Area. I love teaching! It is a ton of fun! This year I moved down to 7th grader after teaching high school for 10 years. It has been a long journey, teaching. Every year I learn something, have something to learn.

This year I am learning new curriculum, learning how to teach 12 and 13 year olds how to do math. Preparing them for the world ahead of them. Such a daunting task!

This blog will be open to my students...if you are there, please leave me a message! :)

Something about me:

I grew up in the Portland area and attended school in Portland. I graduated from Rex Putnam High School.

I am married with four children. Javad, my youngest, has a very rare muscle disease called Myotubular Myopathy. I have a blog for it if you want to know more! :)

I have my Bachelor degree from Portland State University in Science and a Masters degree from Portland State in education. I am currently working on Masters degree in Math.

My interests are being with my family, reading, and being active, although right now you would never know that I enjoy being active! Professionally I am committed to the success of all students. I believe that we can continue to make education something valuable. I think that in many ways there are polar opposites in education, geared toward the have's and have not's. I want to work to level the playing field for all students!

Another area that I am really working on is creating a non-profit that supports families and children with disabilities in the area of education, social connections, and navigating the system. Javad's Place will be a place that will create some bridges. To read more: Go to Javad's Place

Let's see...I guess that's about all. This site will be used for students, so I'm sure you will all be excited to read about that! :)

Shannon (Mrs. Mashinchi)