Friday, April 18, 2008

Math Reflection #4

For those with Math on "B" days, here's the info for the math reflection...

At the top of the page, please label it "Math Reflection #4"

Put a sketch of the cylinder on the top of the page...hint...should look similar to the one to the left!

Then at the bottom of the page, you need to find the volume and surface area of the cylinder. (The one that is at the top of the page! ;)

On the back of that page you need to write TWO paragraphs.

#1 Volume

#2 Surface Area

Use these four questions to write your paragraphs:

1. Definition

2. How did you get your answer (from the front)?

3. Why does the formula work?

4. What units do you use for surface area? volume?

That's it! Have a great if you need help!


Mrs. Mashinchi

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