Friday, February 8, 2008

The Creation

This is not really about "creation" per se, but rather the creation of this blog!

My name is Shannon Mashinchi. I am a 7th grade math teacher in the Portland Metropolitan Area. I love teaching! It is a ton of fun! This year I moved down to 7th grader after teaching high school for 10 years. It has been a long journey, teaching. Every year I learn something, have something to learn.

This year I am learning new curriculum, learning how to teach 12 and 13 year olds how to do math. Preparing them for the world ahead of them. Such a daunting task!

This blog will be open to my students...if you are there, please leave me a message! :)

Something about me:

I grew up in the Portland area and attended school in Portland. I graduated from Rex Putnam High School.

I am married with four children. Javad, my youngest, has a very rare muscle disease called Myotubular Myopathy. I have a blog for it if you want to know more! :)

I have my Bachelor degree from Portland State University in Science and a Masters degree from Portland State in education. I am currently working on Masters degree in Math.

My interests are being with my family, reading, and being active, although right now you would never know that I enjoy being active! Professionally I am committed to the success of all students. I believe that we can continue to make education something valuable. I think that in many ways there are polar opposites in education, geared toward the have's and have not's. I want to work to level the playing field for all students!

Another area that I am really working on is creating a non-profit that supports families and children with disabilities in the area of education, social connections, and navigating the system. Javad's Place will be a place that will create some bridges. To read more: Go to Javad's Place

Let's see...I guess that's about all. This site will be used for students, so I'm sure you will all be excited to read about that! :)

Shannon (Mrs. Mashinchi)

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