Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crazy "C" days!

Crazy days those "C" days.  Yes...every class, every day.

For those who "love" math, yes, Brendan, I mean you! I realize that having math every day is like slow torture, but there is nothing I can do.

Tomorrow another "C" day, then a three day weekend ( school on monday!), then an "A" day and back to normal.

You have survived The Night of the Notables! Next week is Family Math Night!

We are getting close to the end of the year.

Leave a comment if you are interested in any field trips this summer!

Extra credit for comments!

Mrs. Mashinchi


Anonymous said...

srry i wasn't there 2day..

i got 2 rent movies and i got the princess bride and i luv that movie and boook.

do u know any books like that cause i want 2 read more books like that


Shannon Mashinchi said...

Princess Bride is the best! I love that movie. Let me think about books like that! Hope you're feeling ok. Call if you want me to help you with the math!