Friday, July 25, 2008


Hello all! Well, the summer is more than half over. I am taking my second mid-term next wednesday. Wish me luck! :)

Overall, things have been good. I miss talking to all you kids, wondering what is happening in your lives. Some of you have called or emailed, but mostly silence! :(

Well, this week I travel to Corvallis to finish up "Math Camp." Then only the month of August and we're back at school!

I want to hear what you're up to! Drop me a comment! :)

Talk to you soon!

Mrs. Mashinchi 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Mashinchi,

I just watched the blog and wiki videos and then I wanted to learn how to put a comment, so here I am at 12:16 AM, bored and on the blog. I am hoping to stay up all night. I tried to do it 2 other times, but the first time I fell asleep at 3 and the 2nd time I fell asleep at 4. I have a feeling that I'm going to fall asleep at 5, but I might not. So I hope to keep in touch with you!!
