Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What do you expect?

We are almost in May and we are starting our last book of the year! Can you believe it? This year hs flown by! You are almost to the end of the 7th grade! Wow!

Today we got our last book, "What do you expect?" We are finishing the year with...drumroll please...PROBABILITY!

What does it mean that a game is fair? It means that either outcome is equally likely. The chances of winning is even!

Today's assignment:
Problem 1.1 a - e (p. 6)
ACE 1-5 and 7 (p. 13 -15)
Have Fun!

Mrs. Mashinchi


Anonymous said...

Why is it that this book seems a whole lot easier to do than any of the other math books we've used this year??? We get all these some-what challenging books where you actually have to think in order to solve the answer and then at the end of the year you get this book where you estimate your answer! To me it doesn't make much sense. Usually isn't it the other way around?

-A confused and creative genius who has Mrs. Machinshi on 6/7 B Days.

Shannon Mashinchi said...

seems crazy doesn't it! :)

Mrs. Mashinchi