Friday, July 25, 2008


Hello all! Well, the summer is more than half over. I am taking my second mid-term next wednesday. Wish me luck! :)

Overall, things have been good. I miss talking to all you kids, wondering what is happening in your lives. Some of you have called or emailed, but mostly silence! :(

Well, this week I travel to Corvallis to finish up "Math Camp." Then only the month of August and we're back at school!

I want to hear what you're up to! Drop me a comment! :)

Talk to you soon!

Mrs. Mashinchi 

Saturday, July 19, 2008

In Bend

So I am in Bend taking a class this weekend. It doesn't really look like this pictures, but it is really beautiful! I am in class probably 12 hours a day which is pretty tiring. I am feeling how it really feels to sit in an uncomfortable chair for a long time!

Well, my next class is starting. I will try to post more! Miss you all!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Going to school

Well, the summer is almost halfway over...hard to believe..

I have been taking calculus all summer. It has been good. Crazy, but good!

Tomorrow I leave to go to Bend to take a three day class. I am really looking forward to it and I have never seen the Bend Campus of Oregon State University.

I'll take pictures!

Mrs. Mashinchi