Friday, May 30, 2008

Math Reflection...Let's reflect together!


1. Make an area model that shows someone who has a 70% free throw percentage.
  • What is the probability of getting o pts, 1 pt, 2pts
  • What is the mostly outcome?
  • What are the average points per trip?

2. Make a counting tree to show someone who has a 70% free throw percentage.

  • What is the P(0),P(1), and P(2)?
  • Show how the counting tree and the area model are related.
Have fun this weekend! Hope its sunny!

Mrs. Mashinchi (and Tina Tran!)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Hello all!

This is a weekend to remember those who have fought for our country and the freedoms that we have. It is a time to honor and remember. If you see someone who is the military, tell them,          "Thank you!"

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the (not) sunshine. Remember to remember!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crazy "C" days!

Crazy days those "C" days.  Yes...every class, every day.

For those who "love" math, yes, Brendan, I mean you! I realize that having math every day is like slow torture, but there is nothing I can do.

Tomorrow another "C" day, then a three day weekend ( school on monday!), then an "A" day and back to normal.

You have survived The Night of the Notables! Next week is Family Math Night!

We are getting close to the end of the year.

Leave a comment if you are interested in any field trips this summer!

Extra credit for comments!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Are we going to be famous?

This site has been added on as a great site! See the icon at the top? Now I can track how many visitors there are...

We are hitting the internet! Can you believe it? Remember to read the blog posts and COMMENT!!! Extra points for you! :)

Mrs. Mashinchi

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What do you expect?

Today we are looking for a treasure in the castle...did you figure it out? What is the probability of finding the treasure in the castle. It's almost like playing Clue! Did the crime occur in the Great hall? The Reception Room?

What is the probability that the treasure was in the Entrance Corridor?

First 10 comments about this unit and the correct probabillity of the treasure in the Entrance Corridor and you get extra credit points!

Happy Commenting!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Checklist #1 Due Monday May 12

Okay, this investigation is about the beginnings of probability.

We did match/no-match with a spinner and worked with counting trees.

Your investigation is due on Monday May 12. It is a "C" day so get your work done!

Have fun! Be safe!

Mrs. Mashinchi