Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What do you expect?

We are almost in May and we are starting our last book of the year! Can you believe it? This year hs flown by! You are almost to the end of the 7th grade! Wow!

Today we got our last book, "What do you expect?" We are finishing the year with...drumroll please...PROBABILITY!

What does it mean that a game is fair? It means that either outcome is equally likely. The chances of winning is even!

Today's assignment:
Problem 1.1 a - e (p. 6)
ACE 1-5 and 7 (p. 13 -15)
Have Fun!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Friday, April 18, 2008

Math Reflection #4

For those with Math on "B" days, here's the info for the math reflection...

At the top of the page, please label it "Math Reflection #4"

Put a sketch of the cylinder on the top of the page...hint...should look similar to the one to the left!

Then at the bottom of the page, you need to find the volume and surface area of the cylinder. (The one that is at the top of the page! ;)

On the back of that page you need to write TWO paragraphs.

#1 Volume

#2 Surface Area

Use these four questions to write your paragraphs:

1. Definition

2. How did you get your answer (from the front)?

3. Why does the formula work?

4. What units do you use for surface area? volume?

That's it! Have a great if you need help!


Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Maze Game!!!!! :D

Hey it's Tina.. today i'm a guest blogger for Mrs.
Mashinchi!! Today we finished up Investigation 2 and we turned it in today..
and don't worry we have done most of the work..... all u need 2 do is the math reflection and 1 vocab word so u will finish in no time.

After u finish with all the work Mrs.Mashinchi let us hang out and go on the computer.....

If u know there is something called The Maze Game.. we were playing that game today and EVERYONE was yelling.. even officer Nguyen came in to check why our class was so. U can also link on to the game now cause thanks to Mrs.Mashinchi it's a link from the game sp u can play it anytime u like..

We will be having a 3-day weekend so
-have a fun time
-hang out with friends
- hope the orchestra wins in Bend!!!!


Friday, April 4, 2008

Fenway Park (for Kameron!)

So, it is true...I made a stop by Fenway Park to get pictures of me and the big green wall! This was for you Kameron! :)

Mrs. Mashinchi

The Fundraiser in Boston

So, the event was DJ'd by DJ AM...

It was awesome! And in case that wasn't enough...I got this picture with Jesse Palmer, former quarterback with the NY Giants! There were many celebrities and football players.

Talk to you soon! Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Math and Boston

So, I arrived today at Boston and the weather is great. Supposedly it will be colder and rainer tomorrow, but today was beautiful...

Today you should have been working on finding the different ways that a rectangular prism can be made from 24 blocks. There should have been 6 different ways.

Tomorrow you are going to work on the ACE problems.

I will write more tomorrow and post pictures of the trip so far.

Talk to you soon!

Mrs. Mashinchi