Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer School

So class is going pretty well. Luckily, I have had this class before so I am doing a lot of review. I am thinking a lot about all of you guys and wondering what is up with you. Send me an email at
and let me know how your summer is going!

Talk to you soon

Mrs. Mashinchi

Monday, June 23, 2008

Now the Teacher becomes the Student

For those of you that thought summer was beginning, well, I guess it is now the time for me to learn. Today, I started Calculus at PSU. That's pretty hard math! So, last night I packed up my backpack with a spiral, some paper, and writing utensils...Yes...both pens and pencils!

At 11:45 I went into class. This will be my pattern every day for the rest of the summer....Oh, I do get friday's off. So no homework tonight, but I do need to rewrite my notes for tomorrow!

Talk to you soon!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Crew

What is my summer crew? It's a group of students who call me each week just to let me know what they are doing and what's up...

Do you want to be on my summer crew? Leave a comment saying you want to be on my crew and start giving me a call each week! You have my number.

Let the calling begin!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer is coming

It's hard to believe that this year is almost over. For many that means you are feeling both excited and sad. I am feeling the same way! I am excited for the end of school, but sad. I will miss you all! This summer I am planning on doing some fun field trips! Are you interested in coming? What about helping me paint the classroom? Do you want to help?

Let me know if you want to come!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Lee Academy Field Trip

On Thursday June 5, students from Lee Academy are going on a walking tour of Portland State and then to the Portland Art Museum.

I am really exited. I am looking forward to seeing "The Dancer" by Degas and "The Ox-Cart" by Vincent VanGogh.

I also can't wait to see the "Choreographed Geometry" which is made from 22,000 hand cut pieces of glass. I imagine it will be beautiful.

Tomorrow, everyone at school will be having a test. Lee Academy students will not have to take the test. Their reward for coming to Lee Academy for two days a week all year.

Have a good day!

Mrs. Mashinchi