Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break!

Hello all!
You are on Spring Break, but where I usually see you all is ONLINE on MYSPACE!
Hmmm...maybe if you are bored you should play COFFEE SHOP or another FUN MATH GAME!!!
Yeah!!! I know that you may feel like you're bored, but WHAT A GREAT TIME TO DO SOME MATH!!!! YIPEE!!

Please check out the new game that was shared by Leslie H. It's called Math Nightmare! It's fun! Please leave a comment with your highest score!

Don't know how to leave a comment? Check out the leave a comment section!

Have fun!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Surface Area


Surface Area
is the wrapping paper on the outside of the box.

To find the surface area, add up the areas of the faces.

Remember that surface area is in cm2.

Your goal, to make complete box! :)

See ya in class!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Survey Says!

Please participate in the Class Blog Survey to tell me how I can make the class blog more effective in its use! Click on the link! Class Blog Survey

Mrs. Mashinchi

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

State Testing

Sharpen your pencils...we are state testing! Yipee!

Remember that the main goal is to increase your score! The state benchmark for 7th grade is 226 and benchmark for 8th grade is 230.

Relax...don't worry! All is good...

See ya on the laptops!

Mrs. Mashinchi

Sunday, March 2, 2008

New Developments on the Class Blog

So, there are many of you that are unsure of what you can do once you log onto the House of Mashinchi Blog. Well, now there are places you can link on to get more information.

First, look to the right...

1) Under "Other Cool Sites to Check Out" there is a link on "What's a Wiki. If you are usure of what a wiki is, you can check out this cool YouTube Video and get some information.

2) If you are interested in Wikis, then click on Student Edited Wiki. This is where you, as my students, can post information that you are learning, answer questions I may post, or ask each other math questions.

3) For information on leaving comments on the class blog, go to the link "Mr.s Mashinchi's House of Math." There are two different links on the left of the House of Math. Click on "Leaving Comments" and you will be taken to a Wiki on leaving comments on the blog.

Happy Commenting...

Mrs. Mashinchi